Post Inspiration Break Musings- Content

Hi readers!

I hope you’re safe and healthy and are finding ways to entertain yourselves during this pandemic.

I’ve been very excited to write this blog post for a while. As I have mentioned, during my inspiration break, I was thinking about what I can do to improve my blog. As I was thinking, I realised I’d abandoned a key part on my blog.

I created The Musing Notes so I’d have a place to have my writing. It’s highly recommended for aspiring journalists and other writers. But I got distracted by the blogging process itself. By that I mean, the focus of engagement and likes, despite promising myself I wouldn’t. I’ve created a schedule in terms of what I post and when but I’m not sure I like it that much. So, I concluded that there were two main things that I needed to evaluate; the writing and categories of The Musing Notes.


I think I’ll go into more detail about this in another post in companionship with another post I’d previously written about blog niches but to put it simply, I would say I have found a niche. Two niches. One of them is Personal. This is where I write about personal things like my hobbies, my ambitions, and the few interesting events that happen in my life. I’d say I’m more eager to write these posts than the other category. So because of this preference, my blog has a more personal/diary feel to it which I like. The other category in my blog is Blogging. I’m not an expert in blogging; most of my posts about blogging are essentially repeating blogging advice that I’ve heard, followed, and concluded is good advice. I also like to write about my opinions on the blogging/influencer industry. Jobs in that category(bloggers, vloggers, influencers, etc.) are relatively new and how to approach these jobs is a matter of heavy discussion both inside and outside the industry. I find these discussions interesting and I really like to write about them. My readers seem to like these discussions and I’d say that’s what convinced them to subscribe to my blog (to those readers, thank you very much). I’d say that these categories sometimes intermingle with each other and that’s fine because the key part of my blog is that my opinion and writing style is evident.


This is the aspect of my blog that I thought about the most during my break. I would say that’s because writing is very important to my blog due to the nature of it. You don’t have to be an expert writer to be a blogger. I think as long you like writing, that’s enough. Anyway, since I’ve started on blogging, I’ve focused on quality content. But I think I focused too much and quality and not enough on putting my writing style in my blog posts. I wouldn’t say it’s developed much since I’ve started blogging, which is a shame since that was one of the aims of the blog. However, that’s maybe something I should do outside my blog. So I hope to develop a writing style that is informative, trustworthy and shows my personality. 

I hope you enjoyed today’s post. If you have any advice that you think will be helpful, whether it’s with my categories(should I prioritise one over the other to create a more personal/diary feel to my blog) or whether it’s with my writing (how can I develop my writing style effectively), don’t hesitate to comment!

Thank you for reading!

Sandra x


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